
Matthew Hickey, M.S.M. - The “Data Guy”

For the past 10 years, Matthew has focused on developing the ability to answer the question “How do we price P&R services?” in the parks and recreation industry. He has accomplished this by using the PASS™ and PASS Lite™ pricing and cost recovery tools that he developed to assist his clients or “do the math for them”. In this role, Matthew assists his clients in understanding the need for good data to operate a fiscally fit organization. This includes, but not limited to, planning, budgeting, pricing, and measurement of all their services and, along with, education in the use of their recreation software to its fullest (data in; data out). Most importantly, this role has given Matthew the background and skill set to see across a spectrum of information and make sense of it for his clients.

In addition to his role as Founder and Managing Partner of ePRepSolutions, Matthew had been the Senior Operations Analyst for the City of Boulder Parks and Recreation Department for nine years. This position included the operational management and overall co-management of a recreation software system named CLASS® for the City of Boulder. It was in the role of Senior Operations Analyst that Matthew gained the experience and knowledge to be able to create the Pricing and Service Sustainability (PASS™) tool. Matthew took the initiative to learn Crystal Reports®, meet with local and regional staff concerning outcomes and outputs of his analysis methods, and honed the process to be able to include any service offered by the department in his analysis. In short, there was a method to the madness with the result being a cost recovery methodology and automated tool that was based on objective input and output.

Prior to the above role, Matthew was the facility manager of the largest and busiest recreation facility in the City of Boulder Parks and Recreation system. Matthew has worked in other notable positions such as Operations Director for the Colorado Athletics Clubs, a for-profit fitness facility, and the Recreation Coordinator and Front Desk Manager for the Town of Avon Parks and Recreation Department. While working full-time at the Colorado Athletic Club, Matthew obtained a master’s degree in Sports Management from the University of Denver in Denver, Colorado.

Matthew’s background and expertise are in the analysis of parks and recreation facility and program management data and the operational application of that data. Matthew’s passions included learning, the outdoors, and travel (armchair or otherwise).

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